Monday, February 8, 2010

Lesson 1 : Defining Creative

Our lecturer for Lesson 1 was Mr. Yap Sau Bin. A bearded man in his thirties, he came to class flailing around an amusing tool he used as an example in class; a metal L-shaped bar with holes in it. An overtly creative man (as I can analytically tell), his lecture on 'Defining Creativity' was creatively presented in a refreshing way.

The first thing he asked the class was, "What is this?" while holding up the metal bar. 'Something to hit people with' was first in line in my thought. He was looking for more creative answers from the students. And there was a few. Most memorable one was 'a curtain hanger'. There were some more that didn't really struck me as memorable.

His point was, in order to be creative, one must see something ordinary in a different perspective and make something out of it. Being creative is being observant. Creativity is the ability to think up and design new inventions. Creativity is the ability to see something in a new way.

A few creative inventions, video taken from YouTube.

A conclusion. Being creative is being able to see ordinary things in new ways, and be different and out of the box.

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